24 Jan Yu-Gi-Oh!
It’s time to d-d-d-d-duel! This week we have Connor McSpadden of the Mean Boys podcast and LA comic Atlas Novack for a chat about the insane world of Yu-Gi-Oh! Both boys spent the bulk of their teen years playing this collectible card game and them attempt to explain it to Kyle and Burnside. Burnside has a little bit of advantage as he has spent some time playing the Pokemon card game (along with a now in recovery Hearthstone addiction), while Kyle is wholly ignorant to this sector of the nerd world. And man do the boys get deep. They discuss the mechanics of the game, the mythology of the show, and give their own personal insights into the idea of living in a world built around card dueling. If you are a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh!, you are going to have a good time with this episode. If you have no idea what is going on, there are some pretty sweet riffs to be had. If you’ve ever wondered if Connor has dreams of opening a real world duelers island out in international waters, you’ll get your answer inside!
(Brief Warning: the language in this episode gets a bit salty at times, nothing crazy but figure it was worth a heads up. Listen at your own discretion.)
Weekly Rads:
Kyle: Drawn and Quarterly: 25 Years of Contemporary Cartooning, Comics and Graphic Novels (book)